Tami (one of the moms who traveled to China with us - known on our agency's message board as "TamiL") reminded me that we haven't updated our photos in quite some time. She is the most faithful of our web friends, checking our site twice a day, only to be disappointed that Brad has been remiss in his world wide updates. So, enjoy this "Ode to TamiL" and see how beautifully our little princess is progressing.

grandpagottobaptizegarrett_small.jpg anewcreation_small.jpg miaandherfriend_small.jpg allofthisstuffisforme_small.jpg
singingtomommyanddaddy_small.jpg miaandmarie_small.jpg _0436_small.jpg hammingitupforthecamera_small.jpg
whoknewraisinscouldbesofun_small.jpg birthdaycake_small.jpg p9022176_small.jpg peekaboo_small.jpg
imgonnagetyou_small.jpg wheredshego_small.jpg wheresmia_small.jpg theresheis_small.jpg
miasharesherbrotherforaminute_small.jpg friends_small.jpg prettygirls_small.jpg natepretendstobeshy_small.jpg
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